Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blogs as current phenomenon

Blog has emerged as a new form of online self-publishing media. In comparison with newspaper, blogs are on the rise, whilst newspaper’s circulation is on decline. Blogs offer new way for people in coming across with ideas, images, sounds, and comments to other network or link (cited in Cunningham and Turner, 2006, p. 272).

Herring, et al., says that blogs gained an immense popularity because it enables simple and inexpensive self-publication, and functions as more flexible and interactive publication format (cited in Tremayne, 2007, p. 3). Furthermore, it allows the provision of hyperlink to other related information sources and visitors can interact and responds by dropping a comment.

According to David Sifry’s post in April 2007, blogosphere has experienced a significant growth. Technocrati, a blog search engine, tracked 112 million blog users in 2007 which means within a minute, in the last 3 years there are approximately 1,5 new blogs created everyday. We can say that as a current phenomenon, it has possessed a huge number of users.

Whereas, within Malaysian community it has brought an impact within society as it allocates a space for freedom of speech. The result of the last Malaysia General Election refelects the outcome of the Malaysian blogging trend as societies at large are more educated and well-informed than ever before.The majority of the citizen had swung their support to the opposition. Primarily because Malaysia’s government strictly censors and controlls the media publication. There were lots of news and commentaries posted on the blogs which could not be found in the mainstream media (Ooi, 2008).

Briefly, by involving self in blogging community, ones possess their opportunity to open their window of knowledge to know more of what is going on, since we can get more balanced information which are not published in the mainstream medias.

Iskold, A 2007, Who is blogging and Why? Is the blogosphere in the digestion phase?, viewed 30 April 2008. http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/blogging_digestion_phase.php

Ooi, J 2008, Did blogging matter in the general election?, viewed 29 April 2008.

Herring, S C, Scheidt L A, Kouper I, Wright E (ed), 2007, Chapter 1: Longitudinal Content Analysis of Blogs: 2003-2004 in Blogging, Citizenship, and the Future of Media, Routledge, New York, pp. 1-20.

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