Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New forms of media publishing

Technologies perpetually develops and new ways in media publishing invented. By the rapidly growth in the number of computer users, internet has taken its role as the alternative information media publishing. More than that, hand phone has become a gadget with more functions than we could ever imagined before.
Mobile blogging is the newest innovation in today’s media publishing which is very popular among people with camera-featured cell phones. It has has gained popularity among people in New York and Japan. When blogging, people post their commentaries or ideas from their computer, whereas with mobile blogging, people use their cell phone to post their ideas, video or picture straightly to their blog. Blogs as new form of media publishing offers a privilege for the creator to be the content creator. In addition, blogs are also a vehicle for identity self-expressing (Sundar, et al., 2007, p. 85).

Not only we can acquire information in text form, but also video, picture, etcetera.
Here are the examples:
Online Video
Eg.: Youtube, Myspace, etcetera >> provides easiness for people to publish video content online

Online Newspaper
Eg.: The Stars, Jakarta Post, Jawapos, etcetera.

Online Magazine

BBC News UK, Wednesday, 7 November 2007, ‘High-tech ways to stay in touch’, viewed in 30 April 2008

Sundar, S S, Edwards H H, Hu Y F, Stavrositu C, 2007, Chapter 5: Blogging for better Health: Putting the “Public” Back in Public Health in Blogging, Citizenship, and the Future of the Media, Routledge, New York, pp. 83-102.

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